Eucomis schijffii crown or coma

    Eucomis schijffii crown or coma
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    Overlapping bracts form the crown or coma over the flowers in the dense raceme of this Eucomis schijffii inflorescence. The bracts have pale yellowish green central parts and soft purple margins, broader towards the base. Several colour variations are found on different plants in these bracts. The generic name, Eucomis is derived from the Greek words eu meaning well or good and kome meaning hair, referring to the well-haired appearance above the flowers. Not quite hairy, but the overall appearance suggest a certain style of locks on top, which involves the pineapple in the comparisons.

    The numerous small flowers are maroon near their tepal tips and cream or greenish cream mostly inside the corollas. The upper flowers next to the crown face outwards, showing their pale insides, the lower ones nod or droop, showing more red. These smelly flowers are pollinated by flies of various kinds, as is the case with Eucomis in general. Most of the species occur in the summer rainfall region, some at the higher elevations.

    The short part of the sturdy scape visible below the flowers has scattered purple spots of variable shape and size on the pale green surface. The broad prostrate leaves at the base of the plant show their dark red margins and paler but faint midrib sections.

    The photo was taken in January at Mokhotlong in Lesotho (iNaturalist; iSpot;;

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