Eriospermum zeyheri woolly fruit

    Eriospermum zeyheri woolly fruit
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    The photo shows how the Eriospermum genus got its name. Erion means wool and sperma means seed in Greek. A ripe fruit releases its seeds with these woolly attachments.

    In picture, a lavish enough supply of the soft white hairs furnishes each dark Eriospermum zeyheri seed with aerodynamics sufficient for dispersal in accordance with species requirements. A functional evolutionary solution like wind dispersal of plant seeds still entails interspecies differences bringing about an aspect of the vast biodiversity characterising life on earth.

    Nature means that every living thing has its own nature for performing natural functions in its particular way. Many ways of skinning a cat still leave many cats unskinned; nature is not reductionist by nature (Andrew, 2012).

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