Elegia capensis

    Elegia capensis
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The horsetail restio adds welcome delicate texture to gardens with space and ample water. For those who want a pool or water feature to look more natural with evergreen finery, this plant may present the solution. Gardens from sea level to altitudes of around 1600 m are within the habitat range of Elegia capensis. Sandy soils without special nutrients will do if the water is readily available. No wonder that many European and American gardens sport these South Africans today.

    E. capensis is commonly grown from seed, but will sprout from separated chunks of the rhizomes of established plants. These rhizomes spread and may require management to prevent them from usurping unallocated territory!  Surplus (above-ground) plant material can be made into brooms. Old stems, i.e. older than about three years, should be cut off to allow the annual new additions to flourish.

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