This compact flower cluster of Erica densifolia does not show whether each flower grows on its own side-branch as is common. Faint longitudinal lines are visible on the corolla tubes, running into the short, pale yellow sections at the tips. The flower tubes share slight downwards curvature from base to tip, their surfaces sticky.
The four pale, creamy yellow corolla lobes at the corolla tube tips don’t have green colouring here as they sometimes show. The pale styles are well exserted, dully green-tipped in the stigma. A white form of the flower has been recorded near George.
Narrow, leaf-like sepals reaching only a short distance up the back of the corollas show slight beige to pale brown discolouring. The calyces are sometimes hairy (Manning and Helme, 2024; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Baker and Oliver, 1967; iNaturalist).