Erica brachialis corolla tubes

    Erica brachialis corolla tubes
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The flower tubes of Erica brachialis have short whitish hairs scattered sparsely along their surfaces, rendering them velvety. Corolla colour is lemon yellow to pale green, tending to turn more yellow as flowers mature. The corolla tube base bulges in old flowers. The flowers grow stalked in groups of two to six from branchlet tips.

    The firm and slightly sticky corolla tube becomes about 1,5 cm long. The dark band seen around the middle of the tube is the anthers showing through, still deep inside at this stage. The oblong to narrowly triangular or lance-shaped, green sepals veer away from the corolla tube. The four shallowly scalloped corolla lobes open a little around the style that protrudes slightly, presenting the lobed, bulging stigma in a way not easily missed by nectar drinkers.

    Not one of the brightest flowers among the Cape ericas, this plant is easy to grow, suitable for coastal gardens where the salty sea spray does not affect its performance (Manning and Helme, 2024; Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; Baker and Oliver, 1967; iNaturalist;

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