Encephalartos paucidentatus few teeth

    Encephalartos paucidentatus few teeth
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Living up to its name, Encephalartos paucidentatus bears few marginal teeth; only one to three on one margin. The short, sharp teeth are angled forward to the leaflet tip.

    Some minuscule, nodular protuberances are discernible, unevenly scattered in the dull sheen of the dark green leaflet upper surfaces. Leaflets are stiff, leathery in its harder sense.

    Leaflet bases are pale at the rachis and taper obliquely, maybe not narrow enough to warrant the back ends of leaflets being called petioles, or since they are leaflets, petiolules.

    The leaflets lie in one plane with margins near each other or touching with very little overlap. Leaflet pairs are in some cases opposite each other, grading in others to subopposite (Hugo, 2014; Coates Palgrave, 2002; Schmidt, et al, 2002).

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