Encephalartos trispinosus leaf

    Encephalartos trispinosus leaf
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    An Encephalartos trispinosus leaf may have spined lobes on a series of consecutive leaflets or only on a few scattered leaflets per frond as in the photo. The lateral lobes grow on the lower margin of the leaflet; the upper margin is often concave when there is a lobe present upon the lower margin.

    E. trispinosus used to be identified as a variety of E. horridus called E. horridus var. trispinosus, but elevated to species status in 1965. Both these species are characterised by bluish and lobed leaflets, but E. trispinosus has narrower leaflets that are transversely concave, while those of E. horridus have convex upper surfaces (Hugo, 2014; http://www.cycadpalm.com).

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