Euphorbia dregeana dry fruit capsules

    Euphorbia dregeana dry fruit capsules
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Euphorbia dregeana is also commonly called elephant’s bush and dikboud (thick buttock) in Afrikaans. The plant exudes the characteristic white Euphorbia latex, sometimes called wolves’ milk.

    The flowers are pale yellow, two rounded petal-like lobes encircling each emerging six-sectioned, ribbed fruit capsule. The capsule turns red when developed to size and light brown or buff later when it dries.

    A rare root parasitic angiosperm, Hydnora triceps, lives on E. dregeana plants exclusively (Frandsen, 2017; Smith, et al, 2017; iNaturalist; Wikipedia).

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