Euryops tysonii involucre and stem tip

    Euryops tysonii involucre and stem tip
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The involucre of the Euryops tysonii flowerhead consists of one row of green, fleshy bracts, hard to distinguish in picture as they appear to be joined closely here, extending further than the ovary base.

    The few, elliptic ray florets have two longitudinal folds ending in notches at the tip, not clearly visible in picture. The rays are female. The old disc florets in picture are straw-like, mostly no longer yellow as they turn into fruit.

    The peduncle is long, smooth and soft, lighter coloured in yellow-green than the mature leaves, but not as pale in its upper parts as the stem from which it grows.

    The leaf midribs are cream below, maybe not prominent or ridged, while sunken above (Manning, 2009; Pooley, 1998).

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