Lycium oxycarpum flower front

    Lycium oxycarpum flower front
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The five shallowly rounded Lycium oxycarpum corolla lobes spread and curve down ever so slightly. Festooned in shades of blue, mauve and white, their darkest parts occur near the centre of each lobe base, as well as along the faint vein lines. Sparse, short hairs are scattered upon the lobes. Inside the corolla tube the bluish colouring abruptly makes way for greenish white.

    The chunky anthers are replete with powdery pollen grains, resembling the sugary powder found on certain kinds of Turkish delight sweets. The lobed stigma in green and yellow psychedelic colours on a white style glows over the scene like a festive season street lamp.

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