Leucospermum truncatulum hair variety

    Leucospermum truncatulum hair variety
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: MC Botha

    Beard on the chin or the perianth increases the range of looks of their bearers, personalising and enhancing aura and identity. Leucospermum truncatulum on woolly floral mission is no exception.

    The hairy, fluffy or bristly coverings vary according to floral stage and on which parts they are positioned. Colour, density, length and straightness or curvature all contribute to the need for yet another photo of this fascinating pincushion.

    Hair on people originated in the common ancestor of mammals, the synapsids, about 300 million years ago. When land plants appeared sometime before 470 million years ago, root hairs played a role in early plant life, evolving in many directions (Wikipedia).

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