Leucospermum catherinae flowerhead grey-tipped

    Leucospermum catherinae flowerhead grey-tipped
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The young Leucospermum catherinae flowerhead spreads its closed, grey-tipped perianths from the initial tight cluster before they open.

    The dull yellow perianth limbs below are much shorter than the styles inside them will eventually be. The pollen presenters are for now housed in the pale, hairy perianth tips in picture. Only one style on the right has burst a perianth section seam already, by pressure from its elongation.

    Short, pointed bracts are present at the perianth bases. They have green blades and dark tips (Manning, 2007; Eliovson, 1983; iNaturalist; http://pza.sanbi.org).

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