Leucadendron pubescens female cone

    Leucadendron pubescens female cone
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The leaves below this female Leucadendron pubescens cone include some yellow ones, unusual for the species that commonly has normal leaf colour on its involucral leaves.

    The lower involucral bracts (on the cone itself), are smaller than the upper ones. They are acutely pointed while the broad upper bracts have obtusely pointed tips. Both kinds are hairy, pubescence the order of the day, as can be expected in a plant with a name like that.

    Female florets can be seen peeping out from the tips of the upper bracts. The inner bracts are brown-red, the outer, small ones pale green (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Paterson-Jones and Manning, 2007; Manning, 2007; Coates Palgrave, 2002; iNaturalist).

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