Forested hilltop

    Forested hilltop
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    This view is well-known to regular visitors of the Walter Sisulu. Trees and other plants grow here in a preserved enclave of nature, accommodated within the urban sprawl.

    Such protected examples of natural vegetation are found in all the National Botanical Gardens under the control of SANBI, the South African National Biodiversity Institute. And there are many other parks and reserves, public and private, across South Africa doing this in a variety of ways.

    Only some smaller animals can sometimes be included in the conservation programmes of many of these places, apart from insects and birds that come and go. The collective impact of protected spots does contribute immensely to conservation of the natural heritage contained in the still vastness of biodiversity, an asset that has come under threat in our time for many reasons.

    Nearly 460 unique vegetation types are recognised at national level, enhanced by some municipal vegetation descriptions. Every student describing and investigating a niche of nature or a particular microecology, may discover features enhancing understanding and adding to the grasp that humanity has on what goes on in nature.

    Cooperative management programmes involving private landowners and a multitude of initiatives driven by people with particular interests exist in this field. Something constructive goes on or could be started, albeit small, everywhere where a leaf grows, a bird sings or an insect moves. 

    Vulnerable ecosystems are found all over the country, all over the face of the earth for that matter, making conservation of interest to all concerned with leaving a legacy for future generations of natural beauty and consequently, human wellbeing.

    Small new efforts can be linked to the nationally and internationally coordinated ones, taking these challenging but exciting ventures forward by all those that learn and care (

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