Termite world

    Termite world
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Imagine a city buzzing with thousands of efficient, diligent citizens in the absence of lights or electricity. Inside the communal home of the termites countless tunnels and living spaces are used and built continually by these busy insects without traffic lights.

    Their communication systems use a variety of pheromones. Some guide foragers to food, others determine the levels of producing new members of each of the different working castes, as needed for sustaining their balanced community.

    Living close together in earthen or wooden walls excavated to need, complex activity patterns involve all the functional castes continually, relentlessly. All perform their particular tasks for the benefit of overall life of their society without question.

    The secret of the utopian success here is minimal brain: It is a no-brainer that personal needs above standard issue, providing for individuality, self-actualisation or leisure entertainment would cause havoc in such a steady, serene empire. Imagine rebellion for pay rise, transformation, constitutional rights, political control or by-elections!

    Termite heaven is immanent. The present is the past and the future. It is change that requires contemplation and meditation. Here what is, is.

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