Martial eagle, immature

    Martial eagle, immature
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Could vanity be detected in a martial eagle? See how the wind does wonders with my hairdo!

    The wind is more air stylist than hair stylist, far beyond what a mere barber or ordinary hairdresser could achieve. If there are no martial eagles in France, this would not be the work of a coiffeur or friseur.

    Do tonsorialists use crimpers? On feathers? That sounds like dark work! Not to be done in broad daylight up in the tree for all to see.

    Maybe this pose has nothing to do with hair or feathers at all. You did not believe that I can twist my neck without moving my body to check you out with my right eye like this?

    Vanity still?

    Conceded. But I am young and talented.

    And fierce!

    Don’t mess with me!

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