Reaching out

    Reaching out
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Gazing up a valley of unusual trees where nature has no competition from culture evokes an uncanny moment. The magnificent setting bestows an experience peak to the sentient being, reminds of an inner unknown that stirs to relate but how?

    Enhanced awareness of a need to understand, to fathom the sense of the place and thereby incongruously, of all places everywhere, turns the eye inward while exploring intently what is around. A thin coat of reality shimmers over it all as light speed notions from an internal sense seeking generator flash through consciousness.

    The same mind mechanism that gave birth to spirituality in the so-called primitive ancestors of long ago still provides abstract compass bearings for orientating consciousness in uncontrolled journeys.

    Unconcerned with their impact, innocent of the weird metaphysical machinations brewing in the minds of its zoological compatriots visiting, the trees cast their timeless spell of immobile majesty over proceedings. Reality remains intact when unshared.

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