Waterbuck on cropped bushveld grass

    Waterbuck on cropped bushveld grass
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Waterbuck are seen in savannah and scrub in many parts of Africa. it is a large, robust antelope bearing a sparse, shaggy coat that darkens with age. The ring around the tail makes it easy for the children in the car to identify.

    Waterbuck are diurnal grazers, sleeping at night. The herds live off the grass among the bushveld and woodland trees where these gregarious animals roam. Browsing leaves of trees and shrubs happens rarely; usually when the grass is poor.

    The herds of waterbuck are usually found near permanent water as their common name suggests. Drinking water daily, they will also swim into deep water when danger lurks on land but where crocodiles wait patiently as well!

    Waterbuck are sexually dimorphic antelopes like the bushbuck and the nyala, the males looking different, being bigger and heavier than the females. Only the male waterbuck has horns, long and forward curving ones. Mating happens in winter.

    Scientifically known as Kobus ellipsiprymnus, there are 37 subspecies of waterbuck recognised on the basis of fur colour differences (Wikipedia).

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