White rhino

    White rhino
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The Kruger National Park is the most important home for white rhinos in South Africa, the country where most of them are found. The white rhino population was below 100 early in the twentieth century. Successful programmes have increased those numbers to more than 20 000. Establishing populations in more places than the Kruger has strengthened this position.

    Unfortunately, the human drive for acquiring wealth takes the most selfish forms where and when civilisation wanes. This causes the demolition of populations of the most prized animals and plants with no regard for the quality of life of future generations and no sense of valuing nature for itself.

    Many people around the world will be saddened when rhinos become extinct. The prospective sadness of some is, however, no match for the current greed and ruthlessness of others, irrespective of the size of either group.

    It is the fight of determined people in Government and private organisations wherever possible, combined with the vigilance of citizens that will allow future generations to still see these magnificent animals (www.krugerpark.co.za; www.savetherhino.org).

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