Albuca viscosa flowering

    Albuca viscosa flowering
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    The nodding Albuca viscosa flowers grow in a loose raceme that is slender and sticky, consistent with the sticky albuca common name earned from the sticky leaves and stem.

    The flower stem reaches heights from 20 cm to 40 cm, the raceme bearing between six and twelve scentless flowers. Small, lance-shaped bracts subtend the (glandular) hairy pedicels, the individual flower stalks ascending from the stem allow the flowers to nod.

    The green, white and yellow flowers are nearly 4 cm in diameter when fully open and about 2 cm long. The green flower colouring is confined to a central band along the outer tepal surfaces upon the three outer tepals, less distinct upon the inner ones. The outer tepals have whitish marginal bands, the inner ones are yellow towards their tips. The outer tepals spread, the inner ones adhere in a central tube around the stamens and style.

    Flowering happens from late winter to after midspring (Curtis-Scott, et al, 2020; JSTOR; iNaturalist; Wikipedia).

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