Anacampseros albidiflora leaves

    Anacampseros albidiflora leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Globular Anacampseros albidiflora leaves, densely packed in berry-like fashion, cover the clumped stems. When not in flower the plant may reach 4 cm in height. The dark green or reddish leaves on the variously bearded stems in picture have coarse surfaces. Their tips are rounded. Many, long bristles, leaf stipules growing from the stem next to each leaf, negate the berry analogy, although some will nibble.

    The Afrikaans common names of boesmansuring (bushman sorrel) and haasballetjies (little hare balls) suggest observant and veld attuned local people  (Shearing and Van Heerden, 2008; iSpot).

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