Aspalathus hirta

    Aspalathus hirta
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    Aspalathus hirta, commonly called the steekdoring (sting thorn) in Afrikaans, is a robust, single-stemmed and prickly shrub growing erect branches from near the base, reaching about 2 m in height.

    The young stems are whitish with soft hairs. The specific name, hirta, is derived from the Latin word hirtus meaning hairy or shaggy, referring to the plant’s hairiness.

    The species distribution is widespread in the Western Cape and slightly into the Northern Cape, found from the Bokkeveld escarpment near Nieuwoudtville and the Gifberg to Caledon and eastwards to Uniondale and the Kouga.

    The habitat is lower mountain slopes in fynbos and renosterveld. The species is not considered to be threatened in its habitat early in the twenty first century (Curtis-Scott, et al, 2020; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Manning, 2007; Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; iNaturalist;

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