Aloidendron dichotomum providing refuge

    Aloidendron dichotomum providing refuge
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Residential options for insects, arachnids, birds and other unnamed homeless are abundant here. Colourful, cosy retreats formed by closely stacked Aloidendron dichotomum leaf bases next to the stem, present many options.

    Dark nooks offer defensible positions to match various specific combatant attributes. The all-important requirements for sleeping quarter comfort of every species, meagre as they may seem to outsiders, take all shapes and sizes.

    Escape routes, observation angles and wind impact add to spouse requirements for child rearing. All such features are to be considered in picking the right spot for survival of at least the mariage, but often the lives of participants. Body size and shape, even the number of legs that carry one home play a role.

    And then, as always, the neighbours! What weird styles, musical habits (or teeth) might harm one’s lifestyle in a new neighbourhood? So, when eyeing the couples or cliques next door, consider first what they might eat!

    A vivid imagination doesn’t simplify matters when picking lodgings in a place like this. Like the wife walking about or parachuting down hurriedly, scolding all the way about discovering the absence of body parts when waking up, parts that have already disappeared down a neighbour’s throat.

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