Aloe striata budding

    Aloe striata budding
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Aloe striata buds grow on sturdy peduncles that are about cylindrical, at least higher up and sometimes partly curved as in picture. The peduncle is greenish brown at this stage, later usually purplish.

    The inflorescence is a panicle that branches, here green and nearly globose. Each raceme in the panicle is subtended by a fairly big, pointed and triangular bract. The individual buds have smaller bracts ending in attenuating tips.

    The inflorescence shape changes are interesting, here quite dramatic in the early stages. Comparing daily photo will be interesting (Euston-Brown and Kruger, 2023; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Van Wyk and Smith, 2003; Reynolds, 1974; Jeppe, 1969; iNaturalist).

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