Aloe grandidentata leaf rosette

    Aloe grandidentata leaf rosette
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Aloe grandidentata has lance-shaped or triangular leaves that often form a rather flat rosette. The thickly succulent leaves bear many white spots, even more on their lower surfaces. The spots are arranged in variably distinct transversal rows, but usually not joining into bands much. The common Afrikaans name of kleinbontaalwyn is apt.

    The leaves have horny edges and stout, hooked or straight teeth, while the leaf surfaces are smooth. The teeth are sharp and brown. The name grandidentata is derived from the Latin words grandis meaning large and dens meaning tooth, referring to these large teeth along the leaf margins. The case may seem somewhat overstated, as many maculates have similar, stout marginal endowments.

    The leaf sap is clear (Smith, et al, 2017; Van Wyk and Smith, 2003; Jeppe, 1969; iNaturalist).

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