Asparagus mucronatus

    Asparagus mucronatus
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The katdoring (Afrikaans for cat thorn), as Asparagus mucronatus is known to the locals, is an erect shrub of up to 2 m. It resembles a small Christmas tree in erect form, but may also scramble into adjacent shrubbery. Leaves are grouped in fours and have pointed tips. There are strong, recurving spines of 0,5 cm in length.

    The creamy white summer flowers are fragrant. They may cover the bush in ample profusion, becoming a special attraction in their large distribution area that covers much of arid and karoid southern Africa.

    The spherical berries turn red when ripe (Shearing and Van Heerden, 2008; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010).

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