Asparagus retrofractus hosting an ant

    Asparagus retrofractus hosting an ant
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Wherever a plant may grow, it will be found by insects of some sort. This athletic looking ant is exploring new greenery on Asparagus retrofractus in Meiringspoort in January. 

    People have been eating asparagus for thousands of years as confirmed in an Egyptian inscription of about 5000 years ago. Another item of useless information: Eating asparagus causes a smelly chemical to be secreted into human urine within about half an hour after the meal.

    The link of all this with ants? Some ants give off a formic acid scent as a defence mechanism when threatened. Now if the ant would eat this asparagus, might it affect ant identity or start a fume war?

    Formic acid was named after ants. An ant is known as formica in Latin (Wikipedia;

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