Asparagus setaceus

    Asparagus setaceus
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Asparagus setaceus, the feathery asparagus or asparagus fern, is a robust, evergreen climber that branches much and reaches heights of 2 m to 4 m. The specific name, setaceus, is derived from the Latin word saeta meaning hair or bristle.

    There are often no or almost no spines on the stems, although overseas reports on clearing land infested by this plant mention bothersome thorns.

    The species is distributed in the south of the country from Swellendam to Humansdorp and northwards via KwaZulu-Natal to tropical Africa as far as Malawi. The SANBI distribution map shows records of this plant in all nine provinces of South Africa. No wonder it is listed as of least concern, i.e. not threatened early in the twenty first century.

    The habitat is mainly moist forest floors and shady ravines, but drought resistance is on record as a virtue.

    An ornamental plant in many gardens, the species has become an invader in (at least) parts of Australia and the southern USA, where much more is written about it than in South Africa; little of it flattering (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Lowrey and Wright, 1987; Wikipedia;

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