The leaves of Crinum macowanii are strap-shaped when flattened, mostly deeply channelled. One bulb may annually produce 8 to 18 of them, appearing at the same time as the flowers. The leaves spread or arch, growing in a ground-level rosette.
Leaf texture is leathery, the colour bright green or blue-green, in picture yellow-green. The leaf bases sheathe, forming a short pseudostem above the bulb, from 4 cm to 7 cm tall. The margins are variably wavy and narrowly cartilaginous. Leaf dimensions are 40 cm to 80 cm long by 9 cm to 20 cm wide.
The flowering in the photo is in a very early stage: The peduncle still short, the spathe bracts still clutching the cluster of buds that will spread into an umbel soon; some of them probably too small to be seen yet. Pink colouring is present next to the white on these pointed buds. The perianths may also be white only (Duncan, et al, 2016; Pooley, 1998; iNaturalist).