Crinum bulbispermum

    Crinum bulbispermum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ricky Mauer

    Crinum bulbispermum, commonly known as the Orange River lily, is a bulbous perennial reaching about 1 m in height. The plant has long, arching, monocot type leaves.

    Its flowerhead consists of a number of white lily-shaped flowers, pink-striped along the outer surfaces of the tepals that may be white or also banded pink on the insides.

    C. bulbispermum grows naturally in a broad swathe across the central parts of South Africa, missing only Limpopo in the north and the Western and Eastern Cape in the south.

    The plants are found along river banks and seasonal wetlands, widespread in moist places with deep soil. The habitat population is deemed of least concern early in the twenty first century.

    This is one of the bigger, bulbous plants, indigenous and easy to grow (Manning, 2009; iNaturalist;

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