Cleretum papulosum leaves

    Cleretum papulosum leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Cleretum papulosum leaves grow opposite on fleshy stalks that may become nearly as red as the stems that often show their long red internodes.

    The leaves have narrowly ovate, elliptic to obovate or oblong shapes with somewhat pointed tips and bases that taper into their longish petioles. The leaf is thick with succulence, dark green and densely covered in large, glistening cells, commonly referred to as water, dew or bladder cells.

    Older leaves tend to be channelled, their tips down-curving. Leaves become about 3 cm long (Williamson, 2010; Manning, 2009; Smith, et al, 1998; iNaturalist;

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