Conophytum bilobum subsp. bilobum var. bilobum

    Conophytum bilobum subsp. bilobum var. bilobum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    Conophytum bilobum subsp. bilobum var. bilobum indicates by name alone the considerable variability within this species. Not only are there three recognised subspecies of C. bilobum, but some form variations allow for stable enough clusters to be differentiated within subsp. bilobum.

    The small clump of bi-lobed leaves is fairly green here with a hint of blue. The keel ridges of the lobes show dull maroon colouring. The lobes curve slightly inwards towards the leaf tips. The flowers have two to three rows of petals of uneven length, the shorter ones being in the inner whorl. Petal tips are mostly rounded and not as ragged as seen in some other Conophytum flowers. The flowers are not aromatic. Flowering happens in the first half of spring.

    This plant used to be known as C. meyerae in the past (; iSpot).

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