Osteospermum polygaloides branched

    Osteospermum polygaloides branched
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    An Osteospermum polygaloides shrub may mature into a much-branched, rounded bush as this one in the foothills of the Swartberge has become. Although plants of over 2 m occur, some only reach 1 m in height.

    The growth habit of the species is notably variable, while the terrain in which it is adapted also varies, for instance from coastal flats to upper mountain slopes.

    The involucral bracts around the flowerheads have coverings of glandular hairs.

    The polygaloides specific name means that the plant resembles some members of the Polygalaceae family, a connection not often relevant for members of the Asteraceae family (Curtis-Scott, et al, 2020; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Manning, 2007; Bean and Johns, 2005; iNaturalist).

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