Microloma calycinum long, straight sepals

    Microloma calycinum long, straight sepals
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The narrow, spreading to angled-up sepals below the corollas of the Microloma calycinum flowers may be bright red, pink in various shades, or as here a subdued cream. The sepals are longer than in most of the other Microloma species and as long as or longer than their own corollas. M. incanum, sometimes called the grey minimouth, generally has pale flower colouring but its sepals are shorter and often seen cohering around the ridged corolla tube.

    The somewhat rosy M. calycinum corolla is furnished with five tufts of deflexed hairs inside the tube near its base.

    The twisting of the closed Microloma corolla lobe tips is erratic in the flowers of several of the species, present in some flowers, not in others (Grenier, 2019; Manning, 2009; Le Roux, et al, 2005; iNaturalist).

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