Plectranthus fruticosus holding promise

    Plectranthus fruticosus holding promise
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The sturdy, brown-red stem tips of the cultivar Plectranthus fruticosus ‘James’ that continue into the panicled inflorescences are as conspicuous here as the profusion of flower buds getting ready for bursting into bloom. Cultivars selected for special flowering performances like this one may tend to eclipse the original form of a species found in nature.

    From the days of the first primitive stone tools made and used by Homo faber, when evolution brought the human brain to the capability of shaping tools for changing the environment, humanity has come a long way. Not satisfied with extending own survival and comfort, every conceivable part of the earth is being modified, including adaptation of the appearance and performance of plants and animals (or eradicating them). These actions serve every whim of nature’s conquerors (and by the looks of it, its nemesis).

    Killing a parent is called parricide, a crime that Homo sapiens, a favoured child of nature may be (or become) guilty of.

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