Protea longifolia long leaves

    Protea longifolia long leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The leaves of Protea longifolia gave the species its specific name: longus (Latin) meaning long and folia (also Latin) meaning leaves, referring to the long leaves. Commonly called the strap-leaved sugarbush, there is a similar Afrikaans name, riemblaar-suikerbos (thong leaf sugar bush).

    The dense, generally curving leaves ascend, linear to narrowly spathulate (spoon-shaped) and sometimes slightly falcate (sickle-shaped). The leaf base tapers, the tip is rounded to acutely or obtusely pointed. The leaves are leathery, hairless and smooth (glabrous), their pale midribs conspicuous.

    The leaves are from 9 cm to 20 cm long and from 0,5 cm to 1,7 cm wide (Bean and Johns, 2005; Rebelo, 1995; Rourke, 1980; Andrew, 2017; iNaturalist).

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