Podalyria myrtillifolia September flowers

    Podalyria myrtillifolia September flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The grey-green leaves of Podalyria myrtillifolia fold in along their midribs. The leaf-tips vary from rounded and slightly pointed to notched. The petioles (leaf stalks) are short.

    The specific name, myrtillifolia, is derived from the Greek word murtos meaning myrtle denoting a genus of shrubs, -illus meaning diminutive and folium (Latin) meaning leaf. So the name conveys the information that the plant has small myrtle-like leaves, useful to those familiar with the myrtles or a specific myrtle.

    The pink petals of the flowers shade to white near the base. The plant was flowering near Gansbaai (Manning, 2007; Andrew, 2017).

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