Rhigozum trichotomum flower

    Rhigozum trichotomum flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Johan Wentzel

    The flowers of Rhigozum trichotomum or driedoring (three thorn) are white, cream or pale pink. They usually grow in fascicles on small spur-branchlets. In a good season driedoring bushes may be lavishly covered in blooms. The calyx of the flower is a short, ribbed tube.

    The corolla has a long tube, opening into five wavy, spreading lobes. Colourful corollas perform the important marketing function of attracting pollinators.

    The stamens are attached to the inside of the corolla tube in the area where it widens. The anthers lie in ambush at the flower mouth alongside the style with the stigma at the ready, patiently awaiting the arrival of hungry insects and maybe birds (Coates Palgrave, 2002).

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