Streptocarpus primulifolius leaf

    Streptocarpus primulifolius leaf
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The numerous, stalked leaves of Streptocarpus primulifolius curve down in a spreading, basal rosette.

    The leaf-shape is lanceolate to ovate with pointed tip, tapering at the base. The conspicuous midrib and incurving lateral veins are sunken on the upper surface. Older leaf blades may bulge between the lateral veins, creating a quilted appearance common in Streptocarpus. The leaf margins are raggedly toothed to roundly scalloped. The young leaf, glossy in picture may also be velvety.

    The specific name, primulifolius, likens the leaves to those of primulas (Pooley, 1998; iNaturalist;

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