Searsia incisa var. incisa

    Searsia incisa var. incisa
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The rub-rub currant sometimes reaches a height of 4 m in habitat. It has greyish brown branches with brown lenticels on the younger stems. 

    The trifoliolate leaves of this variety of searsia incisa has deep incisions among the scallops, lobes or teeth along the leaflet margins. This makes them resemble oak leaves and eases identification of the species. The two lateral leaflets are only about half the size of the terminal one. Leaflet surfaces are finely hairy and wrinkled, white and woolly on the lower surfaces. The three leaflets are sessile (stalkless), but the overall leaf has a petiole. 

    The flowers of S. incisa var. incisa are small, greenish yellow and covered in grey woolly hairs. They are borne at the end of small spur-branchlets (Coates Palgrave, 2002; Van Wyk and Van Wyk, 1997).

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