Searsia batophylla stem-tip

    Searsia batophylla stem-tip
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    This leafy stem-tip of Searsia batophylla shows the angularly toothed leaflet margins. The parallel pairs of lateral veins ascend from the midribs, the blade parts between the veins bulging on the upper surface.

    The thin covering of hairs upon the upper leaflet surfaces is more pronounced on the very young leaves near the stem-tip. The lower surfaces are greyish white and velvety. Mature leaves have terminal leaflets of 2,5 cm to 7 cm by 1 cm to 5,5 cm, the lateral ones notably smaller.

    The trifoliolate, leathery leaves undergo darkening of their upper surfaces to a deep green as they mature. The leaf petioles are about 1 cm long, leaflet petiolules very short to absent (Schmidt, et al, 2002; Coates Palgrave, 2002).

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