Ruschia inconspicua

    Ruschia inconspicua
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Ruschia inconspicua is a perennial leaf succulent. It has a creeping, mat-forming growth form with only short parts of stem tips held erectly. Many members of the Ruschia genus grow erect stems. The leaves of R. inconspicua are three-angled, triangular in cross-section, mostly grey-green in colour.

    Small pink flowers grow solitary, stalked above the foliage. A pink cone of stamens with surrounding sterile staminodes is found in the flower centre. Flowers open during the day. Fruit capsules have five locules.

    The plant grows in the Northern Cape and Namibia.

    The habitat is semi-arid scrub and succulent Karoo. The plant is not considered threatened in habitat early in the twenty first century (Smith, et al, 1998;

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