Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata sapling

    Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata sapling
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    A sapling-sized Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata growing free from encumbrances presented by vegetation around it, tends to be erect with spreading branches as in the photo. In forest conditions all trees make do with the available space left unoccupied by the neighbours.

    Arguments are won by whoever claimed a position, posting a strong enough stem or dense enough foliage first. Those that contest this bide their time: one grows stronger while one’s superiors get old. Storm wind sometimes interferes as a random arbiter.

    The big issues, all issues, are resolved among trees in totally unemotional manner, each acting in accordance with its capacity.

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