Wahlenbergia albens corolla

    Wahlenbergia albens corolla
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The white or dull yellow flowers of Wahlenbergia albens grow solitary or slightly clustered from leaf axils. There is a longish rigid pedicel below the calyx that consists of five leaf-like sepals.

    The corolla is star-shaped, its five long, narrow petals recurving gracefully in their upper parts. The corolla tube is only about 1 mm long, the petals free to nearly the base. The outsides of the petals have a sparse covering of soft, whitish hairs, visible in the photo. Flower diameter is about 5 mm.

    The erect style is tall upon the about globose ovary, the stigma pale blue. The five stamens are short and hard to see (Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; iNaturalist; http://worldfloraonline.org).

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