Wahlenbergia cuspidata

    Wahlenbergia cuspidata
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The slender, erect stems of Wahlenbergia cuspidata present their pale blue flowers well above their foliage here, tall enough generally to be visible in the grass of the upper Drakensberg slopes. Cuspidate means having sharp points, referring to the petal tips.

    The misty appearance brought by low fog comes to these upper reaches of the Drakensberg quite often, adding to the allure of a beautiful part of the country. When the clouds are gone, majestic vistas awe the hiker during the moments of pause for relief from the backpack... and the sudden realisation that admiring the view was an important reason for making the trip. Winter brings risk from snow and cold, summer from thunder storms. Mountains must be climbed.

    The photo was taken in midsummer in the Mkhomazi Wilderness Area near the Lesotho border (Manning, 2009; iSpot).

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