Zygophyllum morgsana purple fruit wings

    Zygophyllum morgsana purple fruit wings
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Zygophyllum morgsana has been given several names by the local populations. Some of the notable Afrikaans ones being slaaibos (salad bush) and grootvyfpondbos (big five pound bush). The significance of vyfpondbos is not known, but the name is shared with another indigenous plant, viz. Dicoma capensis

    A multitude of names for one species indicates a significant presence, well-known to local, often rural populations, the link durable over time. For a plant to be noted thus, there is usually something about its appearance, value as food, medicine, clothing, housing material or other acquired significance.

    The shrub in picture is covered in four-winged fruits, the wings purple with yellow centres. The fact that these pretty fruits are poisonous to humans and livestock, as are the leaves, may have made them significant for people to note and name.

    Z. morgsana produces flowers in pairs among its leaves. Where both flowers develop fully, the paired seeds later dangle on long stalks from leaf axils.

    This plant was seen at the end of August on the west coast south of Saldanha, growing on a densely vegetated sand dune (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Manning, 2009).

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