Zygophyllum microcarpum flower not always neat

    Zygophyllum microcarpum flower not always neat
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    There is more regularity in the Zygophyllum microcarpum petals and sepals seen here than in the stamens. The petals spread their rounded, whitish tips through the gaps between the curving, pointed, pale yellow sepals.

    Some of the stamens lack anthers and order, not formed up for parade neatly yet, like troops without a corporal. There are, of course, double the number of stamens to manage than petals or sepals per flower, therefore more chance of mishaps.

    Even the tiny mucros or protruding tips of the leaflets are a little haphazard in shape and direction in the photo (Shearing and Van Heerden, 2008; iSpot).

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