Brabejum stellatifolium trunk

    Brabejum stellatifolium trunk
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    One of the remaining trunks of the old wild-almond hedge of 13 km planted in the Cape in 1660 can be seen here. The hedge was for protection against Khoi tribes stealing cattle and sheep from the early Dutch farmers, also as a windbreak.

    A few of these trees that may date from 1660 are still in Kirstenbosch, on Wynberg Hill and in Bishopscourt. The photo was taken in Kirstenbosch. Development has removed most of the hedge long ago. One wonders whether these trees are originals and exceed 350 years in age themselves or may have grown from seed under the planted ones and replaced them over time. Maybe someone has counted tree year rings or may do so (Coates Palgrave, 2002; Esterhuyse, et al, 2001).

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