Brunsvigia bosmaniae early anthers

    Brunsvigia bosmaniae early anthers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Hendrik van Zijl

    The normally dark maroon young anthers, here nearly black, are visible early in this Brunsvigia bosmaniae inflorescence. The oblong anthers are initially over 6 mm long, shrinking in open flowers to about half that and losing the dark colouring. The ripe pollen is cream-coloured.

    The stamens of B. bosmaniae are included in the corollas in some umbels, shortly exserted in others. The stamens that are flexed down arise from the mouth of the floral tube. The inner three stamens are slightly more than half as long as the outer three. The filaments are paler pink in their lower halves than above, while some are white.

    B. bosmaniae plants vary in several respects. One of them is the presence or absence of filament appendages (Duncan, et al, 2016; Manning, 2007; iNaturalist).

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