Drosera trinervia flower

    Drosera trinervia flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The Drosera trinervia flower seen here does have a dark centre from translucence of the petal bases. There are forms with still darker centres. The green ovary seen here is three-segmented. Upon each of the three segments two paired styles, long and translucent, diverge at the point where they leave the ovary segment, curving outwards and upwards, each topped by a branched stigma.

    These styles are longer and taller, spreading wider than the five stamens positioned between the five petals and attached below the ovary. The yellow anthers of the stamens are also smaller than the stigmas of the flower.

    The sepals have gland-tipped tentacles as do the leaves.

    This plant was found flowering early in November in the Kogelberg close to a stream (Manning, 2007).

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